Unforeseen Emotions Could Affect Your Divorce Decisions

There is no simple way to describe how divorce affects people. It is hard financially and frequently harder psychologically. Even when you think you understand the emotional elements of ending a marriage, you will likely be surprised by how the experience affects you.

Before continuing, you should know that not all these unforeseen emotions are negative. Many of them are positive. Any of them, however, could make you second-guess your decisions.

Positive emotions of getting divorced

For most people, the time leading up to divorce is filled with tension and pain. However, many people begin feeling better once the divorce begins. Other positive emotions you may feel before, during and after your divorce include:

  • Immense relief that it will end soon
  • Excitement over a fresh start
  • You may feel ready to forgive yourself for past mistakes
  • A burgeoning sense of freedom

Many also express feeling a sense of renewed energy once the end of the divorce nears.

Negative emotions of getting divorced

With all good, there is usually a bit of negative, and some of these unforeseen emotions include:

  • You might feel sorry for your ex.
  • You may feel isolated from life and other people.
  • The loneliness of divorcing is often intense.
  • You could blame yourself for years of mutual discontent.
  • You might worry about how friends and family feel about you.

It’s wise to consider how your emotional responses could impact your decision to divorce. The positive aspects may encourage you to continue. However, the negative emotions could result in hesitation, confusion and loss of confidence.

In many cases, learning more about divorce can increase your confidence in your decisions while also ensuring your rights remain protected.

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