Divorce Petitions May Initiate Unexpected Restrictions

The decision to divorce is seldom arrived at easily. When children are involved it may be considered even more carefully. Once a couple makes the decision to divorce in Michigan, they may want to proceed quickly with separation and unwinding their previously shared life. They may come up against some unexpected obstacles. There are certain restrictions put in place once a divorce petition is filed in order to protect the rights of all concerned.

One of these restrictions is traveling with children. Particularly now that summer is here this restriction may be an onerous one as in the example of a famous divorce currently in progress. Angelina Jolie is about to begin filming a new movie in England but due to her impending divorce she is unable to take her children with her. This restriction does not apply only to international travel but can also apply to interstate travel.

Other restrictions include the inability to cancel insurance policies, close accounts or dispose of property. The insurance restriction protects both parties from being left without health insurance in the event of a sudden accident or illness. The insurance restriction also applies to auto insurance for much the same reason. Property will be allocated in the divorce settlement so cannot be disposed of beforehand by either party.

Deciding to divorce is only the first step in what can be a very complicated proceeding in Michigan. While drawing the process out may be stressful on the people involved, it is also for their protection. A person embarking on the process of divorce could benefit by seeing legal advice early in the process. A confidential conversation with a family law attorney could help to ease the process and reduce surprises that may arise due to restrictions that may be put in place once the divorce petition is filed.

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